
RE Inspection Report

8th May 2015

Dear Parents and Carers,

It is my very great pleasure to share with you some fantastic news, but first I really ought to introduce myself.

My name is Matthew Desmier and I’ve recently taken up tenure as the Chair of St Mary’s Board of Governors. Although I’m fairly new to my role as a Governor, I’m incredibly fortunate to have inherited a terrific and committed team, who’ve been ably led by Marie Cleary these past few years and to whom we all owe a great debt of gratitude. If I can do half the job that Marie has done, I’ll be very happy indeed.

I think St Mary’s is a wonderful, welcoming school. My son Noah is currently in Year 2 and this coming September his younger brother Carter will join Foundation and I truly couldn’t be happier. Mrs Armstrong and her team do a marvellous job instilling wisdom and respect into the hearts and minds of our children and to their credit this has now been officially recognised and reported upon too. This is the news I very proudly wish to share with you.

You may be aware that a few weeks ago, the school was subject to the intense scrutiny of an inspection from the Plymouth Diocese. This inspection is something all of the Catholic schools within the diocese undergo and it examines how the school operates as catholic community. Thanks to the hard work and tremendous foundations laid by all of St Mary’s staff: teaching, pastoral, administrative and support; we were as best prepared as we could hope to be when the inspectors arrived to conduct two days of interview, analysis and review.

I’m pleased to be able to report to you that the inspectors evaluation of our school was unanimous in it’s praise, suggesting that the St Mary’s community performs collectively according to the Gospel of St John 13:14-15 ‘If I, your Lord and Teacher have washed your feet, you are also to wash one another’s feet. For I have set you an example that you should also do as I have done to you’.

The inspectors felt that they saw the same school that we see, a school dedicated to helping one another and where every member of the community, staff and student alike, do all they can to support each other. Indeed, one particular comment made by the inspectors struck a chord with me:

"Everything about this school speaks of the love and care that children and adults have for one another"

I urge you to read this report. It’s a real testament to the hard work the team at St Mary’s do on our behalf and on behalf of our children.

Thank you,

Matthew Desmier