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Year 3 Trip to Hengisbury Head

What I did at Hengistbury Head!

First as always I started in school. My class said prayers before lining up in our bus lines. I was in Mrs Cassidy’s bus. After all my class were in their lines, we went through the school quietly to the minibus. When I was on the minibus Mrs Cassidy did the bus register. We were all on. Soon the bus started to move. On the way we sang lots of famous songs. We went past the work that my mum goes too. It was not too long to get there. When the bus was parked at Hengistbury Head we got out. I saw that the tide was almost in! First we got into partners. Secondly we made our way into a classroom in a building. Near the entrance there were canoes 1metre long. When we were in the classroom I saw 4 tables with equipment on. As I sat down we met the teacher who doesn’t work in the building which we were in. She was called Natalie who works in the visitor centre which was on the other side of where we were. Natalie showed my class a big picture of Hengistbury Head on the smart board which had a whiteboard in front of it. The next slide was all about wildlife. Natalie told us that there were lots of animals and plants including adder snakes, sand lizards, rare birds and a flower called mellow, which marshmellows would’ve been made out of in the old days.

By Gianluca, Year 3