

Harvest Festival 2023

Donations this year went to Waste Not, Want Not Charity, Poole

"Please can you pass this huge thank you to everyone; St Mary’s School, you have overwhelmed us with your generosity!

Harvest Festival is a time to reflect on the food we gather and eat…

As people feel the impact of the cost-of-living crisis we are seeing households who had never faced financial hardship suddenly facing food poverty for the first time.

The increase in demand puts pressure on our already stretched service, as the ripple effect affects a reduction in our food donations causing our stocks to deplete at a worrying rate.


On behalf of myself and the PWNWN team “Thank you”! Your kindness and generosity to those in need is very much appreciated.

Our mission is to raise awareness and tackle food poverty, over the last 6 months the demand has doubled our service is needed more than ever – We signed up 38 new households in September alone. Feeding 478 households of which 661 adults, 352 children, and 51 Ukrainian households.

Without the kind donations from people like yourselves, we would not be able to provide this vital service and support to vulnerable men, women, and children in our community.

No one should go hungry!

Please pass on our heartfelt thanks from all our members to yours, the support really does mean a lot."


Charity Project Manager

Letters to the community