
Easter Reflection

Easter Reflection

Spring is definitely on it's way in my garden and it's surround. Birds are nesting in all the bird boxes on the Church and house, including, to my joy, the camera box. Hedgehogs are appearing to eat and drink outside my patio doors and my new wild flower meadow, sown just a few weeks ago after I dug up the weeds and moss of the previous mess over the winter time, is just beginning to appear in tiny flecks of green. When I sowed it, it was in the hope that it will attract butterflies and bees and help them to survive and thrive. The exciting thing is, I have no idea what flowers are going to appear. I have scattered the seed and now await the surprises.

At Easter time, it is good to reflect that this is exactly what God has always done. He throws out with abandon, it might seem He is wasteful with His love giving it to people who take it for granted or ignore it but I for one am very happy He is. If He measured it out, if He was careful and pernickety, a miserly God then it would be like me carefully placing a seed here and there... it might be economical, it might be sensible but I wonder whether the show would be as lovely.