Attending School at St Mary's
The times the school gates open are given below. Once here, the children make their way directly to the cloakrooms and then into class ready for registration and prayers at 8:45am. You will find more information about our school day (below), Early Birds breakfast club, school lunches, Night Owls after school club, extracurricular clubs and the correct uniform on our website.
Once a term, we go to St Mary's Church for Mass, the children should be dropped off at church from 8:30am. They go into the church hall to be registered. If your child is absent please inform the school using the normal procedures.
At St Mary’s we recognise how regular attendance at school is vital to help children achieve and get the best possible start in life. Children who miss school, through absence or lateness, miss lessons. These lessons are not repeated, so children will have gaps in their learning.
However, if your child is unwell and unable to attend school please ensure that you leave a message on the school phone (option 1) before 9:00am. First day contact will be made if a child is absent and the reason has not been communicated to school. Children who have had sickness or diarrhoea due to illness are not allowed to return to school for a further 48 hours once the symptoms have cleared up.
St Mary’s is a nut-free school and we ask that no food containing nuts is brought into school. Again, for allergy reasons, we also request that children wishing to give birthday treats bring in sweets rather than cake or chocolate.
The school day ends at 3:15pm. If there is a need to change the normal end of day routine (e.g. someone different will be picking up) you must let us know in writing or in an emergency only, by telephoning the school office.
The School office is open from 8:30am – 4:00pm daily, we can presently be contacted by phone or email. Please leave a message on the school answerphone (option 2) if you phone the school outside these times.
We would always hope to respond to messages/calls within one working day.
We expect parents/carers/members of the public who wish to meet with staff to request an appointment. Other than safeguarding issues, we endeavour that you will be seen within two working days where practicable.
The majority of our communications are sent by email and are also posted on the school website.
The School Day
Total hours a day is 6 and a quarter hours.
Total hours a week is 32 hours and 5 minutes.