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This week, St Mary's put on a Fitness week for all the children and staff to get involved in as much as possible. It has consisted of various activities such as, the Daily Mile, frequent brain breaks in the classroom, lunchtime challenges and an introduction to Zumba and Yoga classess.

For several classes, we also introduced the MOKI bands which help track the children's activity and step count throughout the day. It's a fantastic way to measure and motivate our children to keep as active as possible throughout the day.

The staff even had their share of fitness and it was great to see so many attend. On Monday the staff played in a fierce and competitive game of Netball. We had a staff 'Body Conditioning' workout on Wednesday and then we eased our way into Friday with Zumba and Yoga on the Thursday evening run by Mrs Harries our Parkour coach.

A big thank you goes out to all the children for their energy and resilience this week, and to all those that attended the staff sessions.
St Mary's Sports Leaders