
P.S. We love you

On Friday, Mary Norrish, a governor of St Mary's and SVP member, arrived at school to deliver some more thank you notes. She couldn't express how touched the recipients have been by our communications. Just before half term Foundation painted pictures, Year 1 and 2 made book marks and cards, Year 3 and 4 sent stories with covering letters, Year 5 send a well-being box and Year 6 sent their work on Brazil. These items are now proudly on display in homes, been shared with extended family members and looked at regularly. One man can barely see and has a variety of gadgets just to see a fuzzy picture - he has written. The stories go on.
In case you did not know, SVP stands for The Saint Vincent de Paul Society. Our Mini Vinnies are the school aged 'section' of the society. With the aim to do anything and everything that helps. The church SVP mainly focusses on helping the lonely.