
Thursday 25th June

EYFS and KS1

On the 25th June it was meant to be our Sports day. Unfortunately, we won’t get a chance to do this altogether this year. But ……  why not bring Sports Day into your household?  You could compete against your family- brothers, sisters, dad, mum, carers, grandparents or even the dog!

This is a fun activity and the main idea is to have FUN with your family!

The referee is in charge of recording the points and may deduct one point if you aren’t showing good sportspersonship. If there is an activity that isn’t your strong point- use your resilience and try your best. You could also use this as a learning curve to practise a particular activity a little more. All of these activities listed below will help with some form of PE skills e.g. strength, hand eye coordination, accuracy, speed, balance. 


Keepie Uppies

How many hand ‘keepie uppies’ can you do in 30 seconds?  Scrunch up some paper or use a soft ball. Use your hand to keep the item up in the air. 1 point per keepie uppie you do.


Rubbish Bin Basketball

Rubbish bin Basketball- Who can shoot the scrunched up paper into the bin? 5 attempts. 1 point per throw.

Ball Claps

How many claps can you do when you throw the ball up in the air? 1 clap = 1 point, 2 claps= 2 points

Standing long jump  

Use a tape measure or a ruler to measure your distance from where you jumped to you back heel. The number of cm you jump is your points score.

Egg and Spoon

How quickly can you do 50m? Measure out 10m in your garden/park using a tape measure. (Boil the egg- If an egg is too precious to use at this time choose something else.) 5 points for taking part. 1 extra point if you don’t drop the egg at all!

50m Run

How quick can you run 50m? (Use your egg and spoon course). 0-10seconds= 10 points 11-20 seconds=8 points  21-30 seconds=6 points    31-40 seconds=4 points   41+ seconds= 2 points.


Sit Ups

How many sit ups can you do in 30 seconds? Add the number of sit ups to your score.


Water race.

How many cups of water can you put in the bowl/sink in a minute? Fill a bowl with water, fill a cup and race to the other bowl/sink (10m away). Run back. 1point per cup of water.

Speed bounce

 How many jumps with your feet together can you do in 30 seconds over an object? You could use a rolled up towel. 1 point per jump

Bin bag/ pillow case race

 How long does it take you to go 20m? (2x10m like the egg race). Use a bin bag or a pillow case.  0-10seconds= 5 points 11-20 seconds=4 points  21-30 seconds=3 points    31-40 seconds=2 points   41+ seconds= 1 point.


Golf target challenge  

How many shots does it take to get the ball in the hole? Use a cup/pan on its side for the hole 10m away. Use a golf ball/tennis ball/scrunched up paper and shoot it into the cup/pan using hands/feet/dust pan brush/broom. 1 shot= 10 points    2 shots= 8 points    3 shots= 6 points   4 shots=4 points   5+shots=2 points.


Obstacle Course  

Make up your own obstacle course. E.g. Crawl under the table, slide along the floor, step across the chairs, walk across the sofa, go into your bedroom and jump on the bed once. If you participate in this challenge you get 5 points.

Bucket Throw

How many times can you throw a ball into a bucket/pan in a minute? 1point per number of times the ball lands in the bucket. 

One leg balance (EYFS and KS1)

How long can you hold a one leg balance for?  Add your time in seconds to your points score.


Plank (KS2)

How long can you hold a plank balance for?  Add your time in seconds to your points score.


Three Legged Race  

How long does it take you to go 20m (2x10m like the egg race course)

Choose a partner. Tie your legs together. Time how long it takes you. 0-10seconds= 5 points 11-20 seconds=4 points  21-30 seconds=3 points    31-40 seconds=2 points   41+ seconds= 1 point.


Spell your name

Spell your name using the activity table below. If you participate in this challenge you get 5 points.

Spell Your Name PE!


A – 5 jumping jacks

B – 5 jumping jacks

C – 10 jumps

D – hop on your right foot

E – hop on our left foot

F – crab walk for 10 seconds

G – do 5 sit ups

H – 10 mountain climbers

I – 5 push ups

J – 30 second high knees

K – kick your left foot as high as you can

L - kick your right foot as high as you can

M – 5 jumping jacks

N – 10 jumps

O – hop on your right foot

P– hop on our left foot

Q - do 5 sit ups

R – 10 mountain climbers

S – crab walk for 10 seconds

T – 5 push ups

U – kick your right foot as high as you can

V – kick your left foot as high as you can

W – run in place for 30 seconds

X – run with high knees

Y – 5 push ups

Z – 5 sit ups