
What have we been doing?

Reception Class - Outdoor Learning
We had our first 'Woodland Wonder' sessions and the children seemed to really enjoy it. We took some lovely pictures. They made natural paintbrushes from found objects and did some mud painting.
Learning to Play an Instrument - Brass
Around the World   Drumming
We enjoyed our second rehearsal session with Cheikh today. We revised pattern 1 and learnt pattern 2 and the ending. Here is a video to practice with at home. Our next rehearsal is on 3rd July at Talbot Heath School where we will run through the whole piece.
Guitar Evening
Our talented guitar and ukulele players performed in their very own concert for parents and carers.
It was a wonderful evening of music-making and we are very proud of all the children who played so wonderfully. A special mention to the three Year 6 pupils who performed a specially written piece by Mr Palmer, they absolutely wowed us all.
Thank you to Mr Palmer and all the guitar and ukulele learners.
A short video for you!
Around the World
Some of our pupils had their first drumming sessions with Cheikh today to prepare for the upcoming SoundStorm Around the World concert. Here are some videos to help you rehearse!
More amazing creations from the Clayshack Club!
Year 4 Clarinet
Our Year 4 pupils all had the wonderful opportunity to learn the clarinet in the Autumn Term thanks to our membership of SoundStorm Music Education Agency. A group of keen pupils have continued this term and have made excellent progress. Here are their duet performances Twinkle Twinkle...
Fantastic Figures made at the Clayshack Club
Year 4 Whole Class Teaching - Clarinet

Year 4 have all been learning the clarinet for 10 weeks with Julia from SoundStorm. We have had a brilliant time learning how to hold the clarinet, lots of notes and have played lots of different pieces of music. Enjoy our concerts!

Song writing workshop with Sam Mason from the Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra

On 24th November, Year 3 had the amazing opportunity to work with Sam Mason from the BSO in a song writing workshop. The theme was ‘Night’ and we started off by thinking of some words associated with the nighttime. Both classes came up with some great ideas. Next, the pupils started to compose some short ideas which were then put together into a longer piece of music and recorded. These recordings will be taken by back to James at the BSO who is going to put the ideas into a longer composition based on the ‘Night’. We will hear some of our ideas when we hopefully go to the BSO Schools’ Concert in May 2022.