
Curriculum Intent

Our Curriculum Intent

In our St Mary’s School family everyone is loved and valued as a unique child of God. Our curriculum enables all children to become the best they can be by giving them the courage and resilience to be Mission Advocates in their lives and future learning.

Our pupils benefit from a broad and ambitious curriculum which holds the Gospel Values at its heart. This enables children to recognise and celebrate our diverse community, benefit from our nurturing environment and flourish ‘in the light of Christ.’

Learning opportunities encourage children to develop their knowledge, skills and talents so that they think more deeply about the world around them. This empowers children to see, judge and act compassionately to their ever-changing local and global contexts.
Catholic Social Teaching provides our community with a lens to see the world through the eyes of Christ, seeing and judging with compassion and justice. This enables us to make choices based on our values and 'act' as agents of change to be Mission Advocates.
This is evident throughout our curriculum as children are challenged to think more deeply about their learning and place it in the context of our changing world.
At St Mary's, we follow these schemes:
   RWI Phonics
   Accelerated Reader
   Jane Considine - The Write Stuff
   Maths - Power Maths 
   Purple Mash Computing
   Ten Ten - Life to the Full - RSE
   RE - Come and See / Religious Education Directory (RED)
Foundation Phonics and Reading Scheme:
     Read, Write, Inc.
     Foundation Maths: Powermaths